Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I loved her and I saw her again

Still I love her

She didn’t look my way

Still I love her

She’s free… from Me…

Still I love her

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Plant Me A Tree

Long time since I touched my Lover
Still the truth though
Love is and I think of her at every dawn
It’s different though in the evenings
There are no road trips
No sliding into smells and skin
But the truth Remains and Love still is…
Ever wonder where hope goes and if it ever returns
I’m told it’s a tree of Life when it shows up
Long time since I touched my Lover
It was good though – not just the touch
The hand, Yes… but the words too with
Smile lines and glistening eyes
No more words – Just silence
No more moments – just memories
Plant me a tree

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Process: The Paradox of the Divine Dialogue (Cont)

"Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with."- Mark Twain.
I would say it, “…joy must have somebody to share it with.”
Grief is selfish in nature, it centered around you. Joy is the enrichment of inner grace that cries out "Our Father." – Mark Eaton
I would say, “…joy is the enrichment of inner grace that cries out for community.”
It’s not that my edits are better, they’re just the way I see it. Either way, I’m convinced that joy has always dealt me a better dose of life than grief. The only thing separating grief from joy is a moment of awareness and this is what we want when we’re grieving. We won’t out of it; we want out of the pain and suffering. But how?

“Answers!!!! Give me answers.”

I suppose it would be simply easy to just tell the world the "Truth"(the answer) in its most sublime and complete form, although it eludes us what that is. Sometimes, though, there’s the push to do just that – speak of truth in the ultimate sense. It’s similar to planning a trip and knowing the destination, but knowing the destination is not the synonymous with actually getting there. Getting there is what I call “process”, and there is definitely “process”; however, there can be several ways or paths to getting “there” and each of them can and will carry its own discipline. These disciplines involve several mini-truths so to speak. Some of them are faster, some more tedious, but each with its own reason for being. Some of them are at times, timeless and seamless. In these moments (the timeless and seamless moments) we are more closely aware or awakened to that inescapable Oneness although it may be unknown to our amnesiatic “person self” that we are living in such sync or synchronicity.

Sometimes we like to “cheat” the process. We just want the answer without learning how to master the question. The problem with this is that we cheat ourselves of actually “knowing” our Divinehood (that powerful person-self) and we are stuck with only believing it. (Those of us who are lucky enough to even get that far. Some of us just remain illiterate). The process is there nonetheless to create for our person-self this dynamic experience of being human. Humanity is nothing if it is not designed as the consciousness of exploration; it IS the mastery of the question – Love/God/Universe asking itself, “who/what am I?” Not that we don’t really know but we want to SEE.

"I got what I asked for, the chance to love no matter what, and to see what that is gonna take."

Matthew Glenn Krepps

This is the brilliance of loving anyway. We get to remember and experience our limitless capacity to love, to emerge and to just BE. We, humanity, are still in the beginning stages of our self discovery and it is not a beginning to despise but rather one to explore. That’s it!!!!! The exploration takes time. Like the trip or the journey we are waiting to arrive so in the meantime we experience and we explore. This “meantime” though is better felt when we do it with joy rather than with grief. In grieving, yes, we DO feel alone. Sometimes we are convinced of this aloneness. It doesn’t matter that we “really” aren’t alone; we FEEL alone.

How can there be joy when we feel this way? But we don’t have to feel this way even if we are in the experience of solitude. We know that we are joined by the many – the ONE, and this reality will show itself as we share ourselves and withhold not. Joy is the hope of the shared experience; it is the remembering of our Divine selves and the discovery of nothing missing and nothing broken. God will not deny him/her/itself.

We know this and yet we are learning this.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Redeemer Lives

You’ve believed you could only go so far. You’ve believed there was only so much you could take. You’ve been convinced you have an emotional cap that when reached will force you to explode, take prisoners and demand your right to freedom and power. You did not consider you could outlast your pain or be stronger than your grievance. You secretly gave what came to destroy you, the keys to your freedom. What you didn’t know, is your enemy is and always has been afraid of eviction. The enemy has always seen you as its Landlord. Your enemies have always known you have the power. The reason they relentlessly threaten you is to convince you that you are weaker than the Truth, insufficient to Love, and unqualified to Evolve.

The one who seeks to destroy you is paying tribute to your Power. How could someone feel threatened by weakness? If you would just see this, you would not believe their delusion but you would accept their Truth. To accept this honor would grant you the privilege of becoming THEIR Savior.

One day you will believe you do not have to forecast a limitation on to yourself. One day you will no longer use your imagination to contemplate the possibility of failure. If you do not like enemies, be only a friend and if you have difficulty believing you can be such a Redeemer, remember this: You have always been bigger than your experience and you have experienced no limitation which has nullified the “Beauty of Your Becoming.” You Are Here!!!!!!

Your capacity to Love is limitless and when you are challenged to not believe this, Love Anyway

Step into your life! Come out of the Shadows! Welcome to the LifeXchange!

Have this dialogue with me and many others Sundays @ 4p.m. when the LifeXchange gathers.
Mediums Art Lounge
516 Center Street,
Little Rock, AR
The Seer.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year, New You, New Relationship

I enter each of my relationships with a unique understanding of this idea: “I am meeting someone who has secrets. I don’t know their secrets. Their secrets, if I were to discover them, could quite possibly convince me to distance myself from them. This person is not likely to tell me something they are ashamed of for fear of losing what potential he or she may have in having me as a friend.

This may all seem normal, but it suggests something that could easily inject poison into any potential relationship. The person who hides from me is inclined to believe that I have contingencies on my love. In other words, they are pretty sure love will fail them. What could be left after such a sentence is passed and why is this? It is because we walk into each relationship first as an “other”. We are presumed to be potential enemies. I could turn on you or you on me. This possibility exists.

I have a remedy for this, but it doesn’t always go over so well. I might say to you, “Tell me a secret and tell me something you don’t want me to know.” I’m usually met with a startling look of bewilderment. Surprise follows and sometimes with the same question asked of me – but before they, themselves, will answer. I smile and attempt to give them something of shock value just to see if they will remain. I am often times disappointed. Because when I tell my secret, I find that more than love was needed. I didn’t know it before, but this reaction suggests that in order for me to sustain a relationship for any length of time, I must live, untrue to myself, but true to yours or somebody’s idea of me.

Sometimes, though we give into our desire to be accepted and we play along. We don’t lie, but we do shield our friendship potentials from our darker side.

This does not suggest that our wonderful selves are misleading or unreal, but it does suggest that we want to be perceived as perfect and lack the potential to do bad. It suggests to our friendship potentials that they are not likely to be disappointed or betrayed by us. It gives them permission to continue to project onto us their noble idea of who we are and why they were smart, blessed, or altruistic to include us into their space. We won’t readily admit that we fear rejection as it is the impetus behind why we shroud ourselves in this illusion of perfection. The problem though is that we are all apt to give into our fear especially if fear becomes so compelling that it evidences itself as the only way to preserve what we value. And one such fear realizes itself by leading someone to believe or helping them believe that you are fully responsible for their idea of you.

I write this to you to help you see that those in your life who have betrayed you have done so because they were afraid. Their fear does not justify the betrayal. I am hoping it serves to help you understand that betrayal does not have to offend you. If I were to tell you when you asked me to tell you a secret or something I didn’t want you to know, “I'm not always honest, I have wayward thoughts which could easily undermine your generosity,” would you distance yourself or help me heal? The point being, sometimes we can’t stop betrayal even when we love without condition and sometimes, just sometimes, we’re uninterested in knowing the shame that grips many of our friends. Sometimes their suspicions about us are correct. It’s the secret we have kept to ourselves. It’s the one that says, “I am likely to abandon you, if you disappoint me.”

Can we change the way we see it?
