Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Lover

It’s the one who helps you believe what you didn’t believe before

Even if that means you rethinking you

It’s the one who, though you keep breathing, continues to take your breath away

It’s the one who, without disturbance, wakes you while you sleep

The Dream…

It’s the one who caused you to forget your beginning while giving you forever

You can let it all go…

And just Be

It’s the one who, without words, convinced you of your beauty

They didn’t hide their eyes

They didn’t believe the lies – not even yours

It’s the one who gives you the gift of time and doesn’t make you wait

It’s the one who ‘watches’ you change

Like time, it’s a REVOLution –

The Lover in EVOLution

It’s the One…

Whoever, Whenever, Wherever

It’s the One

However Many

It’s the One

Monday, November 23, 2009


To be hidden in the shadow does not erase my existence. If the shadow is there, it will last until a light is cast in a different direction so that the shadow remains but covers me not. Would you shine your light and bring me out of hiding? Would you kiss the frog? Would you...

Love Anyway

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Simply Because I Can

“Withhold not good from who it is due when it is in the power of your hand to do it.”

A wisdom charm and an ancient Hebrew proverb – I like looking at it. Meditating on it. It speaks to me; it makes me think - What makes something good? To who is it owed? Do I owe it!?! Do I have the power to deliver it? Why should I do anything for anybody? Makes me wonder why anybody does anything for anybody.

The one who knows him or herself to be powerful is fully invested in sharing their power. It is only those who believe themselves to be weak, who cultivate weakness or allow it to remain.

I was born into this world as a child who could do nothing for himself. Someone changed my diaper and dirtied their hands. I had done nothing to deserve such favor but they had the power to not leave me dirty. I became hungry. I did nothing to work for my bread and yet they fed me with their power to take away my pangs. Somewhere along the way, I decided I did not want to do what was done for me. I did not want to simply give my good away unless it was to someone who had delivered good to me first. In those moments I believed in my weakness. In those moments I lost my way. My first experience in this world taught me to give where goodness was needed and not necessarily where it was afforded.

I listen for those who cannot hear without me. I write the songs for those who cannot feel the music without me. I write the truth for those who could not identify the lie without me. I take away pain for those who can’t find their comfort without me never wanting to count man’s sins or weakness against them.

Those who have lost their way are overdue for direction. The person lost in grief is overdue for joy. The person lost in confusion is overdue for understanding. The person befuddled in conflict is overdue for peace. Those who are overwhelmed with despair are overdue for hope. Those who carry the burden of their fellow man are always due help to lighten the load.

Those who are lost simply need a Savior. The people we save are not always the people we owe but all of them are due it. There are those who cannot afford my help but what I cannot afford is to leave them without it. Love Anyway

From My Heart
Join Me,


Monday, October 12, 2009

Brand New

You have given yourself permission to live through this moment and to continue into the next. You have done this. This moment is peculiar; it is extraordinary; it is beyond fathoming, but what makes it quintessentially intriguing is it has never been before.

This moment is Brand New.

You made it so.

All moments are exactly this way. You have never been here before and there is no sense in requiring yourself to live in the past or relishing in the pain or JOY of a past event. You have not lived through a pain that remained beyond your power to keep it going. Neither have you lavished in a joy which paralyzes the ability to exceed it. Freedom lives beyond your grandest idea and Love lives beyond comparison.

Be Brand New; Take no prisoners; Hold no one captive to your known ideas which are only evidenced in your past.

If you have a Lover
Call it done and start it Over
If you have a Friend
Let them go and begin Again
If you have a Life
Die already and be Born Again

Sunday, October 4, 2009

More Than I Ever Did

Look at the face of someone you love
Experience with them the joy that lives through them in your absence.
Let love happen knowing Love is bigger than your grandest ideas
Love offers more than your awareness can allow.
Limit not the one you Love to be constricted by your ignorance.
Learn from Love.
Live beyond your rules and let Life happen
Breathe Again then Love Again
Never make it like it was
Learn what is becoming
I love you more than I ever did
Less than I ever will

Monday, August 24, 2009

God..? Open..? Relationship?

The other day I went on a date with God and let me tell you… It was absolutely amazing. I found out things about myself; there were secrets and unkown treasures inside of me just waiting to be exposed. I began to see how beautiful and wonderful I am. God gave me this overwhelming experience and Xchange of Love. Everyone should know this and really, it was beyond words.

Later on as I was reflecting on what a wonderful Xchange I had, I thought I might give God a call to catch up. Love answered and said this to me.

“I had a wonderful time with you as well. Did you know that I was even able to see Myself and My Soul in you? It’s like you are a ‘Soul-jar’ for Love. However, I can’t spend much more time with you because I have some who are very dear to me who have become very concerned that I might run out of Love if I share too much with you. So they have given me some laws to abide by to guarantee that I not be diminished and also, so that I can be God for them almost exclusively… …So sorry!”

Is it really such a far-fetched idea to date God? I remember hearing about those who have a date or an appointment with destiny. As such, I have an appointment with Love and even an appointment with Life. Where ever there is Love, I want to be there and where I AM, Love should meet me. It would be my desire to have an abiding appointment with Love and Life. It serves as a much more comforting notion than imagining a Life without Love or a Love without Life.

So what is Love? Is Love personified? Someone in our ancestry suggested, “God is Love.” Is this personification of Love the writer’s way of saying, “God is always Godding, and Love is never exhausted or diminished by Loving? Since we have defined and seen Love in so many ways it would seem something as simple as limitless love would not continue to escape us. There simply is no end to Love; it is never exhausted and there simply is no end to God. God is everywhere and can be seen in all things but only by those who have eyes to see. Those of us who don’t have eyes to see can see and perceive only limitedness.

Because we have been conditioned and domesticated to believe that all things have their limits, we’ve accepted that Love is finite and can therefore be depleted. This is why we have the tendency toward possessiveness and we seek then to possess God, possess Love and possess people. We need not possess Love to have Love. Having Love is all that is necessary to extend Love. Possessing Love is what gives the inclination to withhold it and we only withhold what we want to keep for ourselves. So we make rules and laws to guarantee that no one gets it unless we qualify them. If this were Love’s desire, there would be no BeLoved.
It’s not been Love’s desire but it has been the inclination of the many. And if we continue in this current trajectory of possessiveness, Love will be hidden and, we’ll all continue waiting for it. It seems from the looks of our current plight of frustration, anxiety, fear, anger and even depletion, there are yet quite a few of us laying in wait. We do expect and want Love to be limitless when it finds us; we just don’t really anticipate that limitless Love will process through us.

Who, among us would like to stand in the presence of anyone who desires to withhold Love from us? Love is the unconditioned response to the presence of Life to activate goodness. In other words – love always presents itself to all of what is good. And if things seem other than good, Love loves Anyway. It makes it Good.

You are God and you are Love. You may not be all of what Love is but all of what you are can be what Love is. You may not be all of what God is but all of what you are can be what God is. If I am only what God is, then I will be only what Love is. The only other option is that I embrace insanity and become beside myself and dis-appoint myself and lose my date with Love. So if you love only one, you will not love the many. If you love the many, you now know you can love all. If you love all ones, you will Love alone (all-one) and you will Love only and you will Love Anyway.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Love Anyway

If you've Loved once, you've experienced a miracle. If you've loved twice, you'll know loving once pales in comparison. And when you just simply learn to Love, you'll know to stop counting...

Love Anyway

Monday, June 15, 2009


It’s a good day; I’m so happy to be in it and more than that, I am happy to be sharing it with you. So, thank You.

Thinking about you, I’m reminded of a song I used to sing when I was a child. “You’ve done so much for me; I cannot tell it all.”Just so you know I am grateful you chose to join this group. This is one thing you’ve done for me and that just scratches the surface. I’m affected by many of your decisions especially the ones I don’t know about. Your life is undoubtedly a gift to me and it is my desire to bring a strong emphasis to this truth and to offer up my life as a gift to you as well.

On my personal Facebook page, I have been posting updates in a series called Love Anyway. I’ve gotten feedback from many of my friends acknowledging how helpful the series has been and I am elated that you have been able to follow as well. I started “Love Anyway” as an encouragement and a personal reflection. I know that my capacity to love is endless – no matter what. Love heals; Love feels; Love gives; Love lives – LOVE COVERS! When I am challenged to not believe this, I am reminded to Love Anyway. I imagined one day if I might ever find myself in a moment when I did not want love to find me. It took very little time for me to come to know I want to be loved always; I want to be loved in all ways. And even when I have totally screwed up, (and I have) I want to be loved ANYWAY. If I want this for myself, isn’t it simply my reasonable service to offer it up? (the age old golden rule)

I post daily with hopes that something I say can serve to enhance and enrich your life. All of my updates are the fruit of my personal meditations unless otherwise noted. I hope you will visit the group often and when you do, give us a comment or ask a question. The Life Xchange is here to aid you in defining and discovering your ability to…

Love without condition.
Live effortlessly
Master your freedom

…and you will BeLoved.

Living 2 Love,

“Love is to give from your strength into the life of another in order to help the other optimize their reason for being.”

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yesterday I Died

Tomorrow I will be born again.
I will start from the beginning and change into a new form.
I will transform myself into myself – for today I am not what I am on yesterday.
I was there – in yesterday – but never here – until now.
I am always here in this moment;
This moment has never been except for always.

Today is fully mine to make of it what is good for me – for you – and for us.
What else would I do with such a moment?
It is more than a chance encounter; it is a premeditated appointment.
I have agreed to be here and to be a part of this one perfect day. This day was made by a perfectionist and how could I be anything but that?
How would or could I live beneath my intention?

Today I walk with God; Immanuel tells me this.
We are here together – walking. We agreed yesterday to agree today.
So now we walk and right on time, we do it.
There is no other way – just the One way – today I AM, and today I will die.
I always die today.
Today is tomorrow’s yesterday and yesterday I died, but tomorrow I will live.
I will be born again.

We have agreed and are One.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I Wonder

One day I would love to know the love I give
I would love to see it from the other side
I think I would

Some day soon I hope to know the love I live
Unless I be it, it seems to want to hide
I think I should

One day I would love to feel the love I breathe
I want to breathe this kind of love too
Could my breath come back again

Some day soon I would love to read
What love I wrote when I wrote to you
Permission - for MY day to begin again

I wonder
If you can see what I’m saying
I wonder
If you can feel me praying
I wonder
If these are things you’re thinking
I wonder
When love shows up – is my timing so bad
That it always finds me blinking…

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Take a Different Option

Love is a deliberate act of your will, not merely a response to favorable circumstance.

We know that change is inevitable and evolution is unavoidable. Throughout our days we are bombarded with options like 'give and take', 'sink or swim', 'live and let live', 'love'm or leave'm', 'do or die', not to mention 'shit or get off the pot'. In a word, these are simply 'choices.' And with all of these possibilities you are not required to choose any one of them. You just have to choose something. Our choices effect the terms and conditions in which the world continues. In a sense, we are in a constant and evolving contract with the universe and our choices are how we can negotiate its future.

Choose Life; Pay your dues. Choose Love; Don't abuse. Choose Truth; the Lie refuse. The Choice is yours. YOU Choose.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You Are Not Required 2 Think That Way

We can make good things happen every moment of every day. I'm a dreamer but I don't want to remain asleep; waking up is good for me and when I awake it is always into a new moment, and a new possibility. I like possibilities; they keep me hopeful. They give me the courage to believe the dream I dream. To own the hope I hope. To present(Pre' zent) the future I see. Often we bash our best opportunities and sentence them to die. We do this by choosing not to own our personal beauty and ignore our inherent power. It's a wonderful thing to bring yourself to recognize the goodness of your own soul and the exquisteness of your individuality. You should feature these things daily. First, inwardly and then project them outwardly. You are not required to insult yourself or to bring focus to anything which will detract me or anyone away from your beauty. You are not required to refrain from complimenting yourself or highlighting your exceptional existence. You are absolutely the one and only essential component in every moment of your day. Know this; Live this; Love this.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Both of the Both of You

The beauty of Love can no one own

The choice to see this is where Love belongs

Yet the feeling comes to me so strong

The idea of two or more yet left alone?

Love’s power from a central location

Radiating, pulsating in ineffable plethoration

I can hear inquisition arise from you,

“How can love seem split and still be true?”

But who discovers is not for me to say who

Love shows itself to the both of the both of you.

Peculiar words now come to me,

Those that read “for your eyes only.”

love by design Will hide from the blind

Though always easier to see it When we choose to be it.

Desiring more than equality Will not bring equanimity

“Being more or less significant” matters not when love is eminent.

But “who discovers” is not for me to say “who”

Love shows itself to the both of the both of you.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Help? What Is It Anyway?

Help when it is needed is a call for balance
Help, when it is given is an answer to injustice
Help, when it is desired is the banner of humility
Help, when unquestionably extended is the posture of Divinity

What do I do when I am ignorant of what is needed?

I usually just pass over an opportunity to make a miracle, answer a prayer, or even save a life.

At first glance, this question may seem insignificant but can you imagine being in a place where someone had exactly the thing that could change your life. They possessed those critical elements which would help you in establishing a peaceful existence and yet, they offered you nothing. They did this only because you didn’t register in their mind. You weren’t recognized, remembered or even noticed.

You’ve been rescued before, yes? Do you remember what it felt like – to be in a vulnerable place with no hopeful perspective, no obvious path to freedom or prospect of peace? There seems to be agonizing on the inside and in these moments, life doesn’t seem so fair or equitable. You’ve reached for money and come up short. You’ve reached for peace and could not resist the conflict. You’ve reached for joy, but the grief is ever looming. You just wanted a break and found yourself broken. Everything and everyone around you seem to have all of the things they need and some of them have so much they seem to have exactly what you need as well. How did you get left out? Looked over? Passed by?

There's a story of a ‘good Samaritan who helped someone who had been passed over and left multiple times to continue in agony on a country road. The Samaritan’s “good” became extraordinarily emphasized primarily because there were several who passed over the same opportunity and refused to extend help when it was obviously needed. Or maybe it wasn’t so obvious to them. Maybe, just maybe they were distracted by something ‘more’ important. Can you identify with this? Perhaps the quality of your life wasn’t so relevant either. It may have been easy to just ignore you because you were not seen as essential to the prevailing and profitable bottom line. Why would someone just leave you there?

I’ve been there… you’ve been there… we’ve been there.

And when I have been in this place, I didn’t want to talk about my pain or my perceived insufficiency – at least not around some people. Why? Because, in many of those moments, I would feel inadequate, embarrassed, rakishly exposed and sometimes just absolutely foolish. These things just really shouldn’t be. We should not give in to the fear of being helped. We shouldn’t even succumb to the notion of inferiority. Beyond these things, we should never sponsor these paralyzing notions in anyone breathing the very same air which sustains our own vitality.

There are times when we don’t know how to ask for help and then there are times we don’t want to ask. We often think that our asking may contribute to our looking weak. (We do this, you know – make people feel weak when we have a seeming position of power over them.) We have been conditioned to see help, when it is needed as a sign of inferiority and when it is given, as a sign of superiority. Actually it is neither. Help is the manifestation of a shared prosperity. It is the gift we have been given so that we can give again. We like gifts; we even pray for them. I don't know a single person praying, who isn’t reaching for help. How are these prayers answered? Through people like you and people like me – but only if we are wise enough keep the Spirit of Life and Love moving unceasingly through us.

Helping is indeed a miracle and not merely a minor miracle; it is a miracle of Life. It is an act of Love enacted by those who are temporarily stronger for those who are temporarily weaker. And I should note that it is only temporary because once the miracle occurs, it restores balance. There is never a moment in our lives that does not present itself for us to be truly helpful.

Work your miracle in every moment
Bring your help in every hour
Pursue peace with every person
Live to love with every Life.

And remember…

Help when it is needed is a call for balance
Help, when it is given is an answer to injustice
Help, when it is desired is the banner of humility
Help, when unquestionably extended is the posture of Divinity