The other day I went on a date with God and let me tell you… It was absolutely amazing. I found out things about myself; there were secrets and unkown treasures inside of me just waiting to be exposed. I began to see how beautiful and wonderful I am. God gave me this overwhelming experience and Xchange of Love. Everyone should know this and really, it was beyond words.
Later on as I was reflecting on what a wonderful Xchange I had, I thought I might give God a call to catch up. Love answered and said this to me.
“I had a wonderful time with you as well. Did you know that I was even able to see Myself and My Soul in you? It’s like you are a ‘Soul-jar’ for Love. However, I can’t spend much more time with you because I have some who are very dear to me who have become very concerned that I might run out of Love if I share too much with you. So they have given me some laws to abide by to guarantee that I not be diminished and also, so that I can be God for them almost exclusively… …So sorry!”
Is it really such a far-fetched idea to date God? I remember hearing about those who have a date or an appointment with destiny. As such, I have an appointment with Love and even an appointment with Life. Where ever there is Love, I want to be there and where I AM, Love should meet me. It would be my desire to have an abiding appointment with Love and Life. It serves as a much more comforting notion than imagining a Life without Love or a Love without Life.
So what is Love? Is Love personified? Someone in our ancestry suggested, “God is Love.” Is this personification of Love the writer’s way of saying, “God is always Godding, and Love is never exhausted or diminished by Loving? Since we have defined and seen Love in so many ways it would seem something as simple as limitless love would not continue to escape us. There simply is no end to Love; it is never exhausted and there simply is no end to God. God is everywhere and can be seen in all things but only by those who have eyes to see. Those of us who don’t have eyes to see can see and perceive only limitedness.
Because we have been conditioned and domesticated to believe that all things have their limits, we’ve accepted that Love is finite and can therefore be depleted. This is why we have the tendency toward possessiveness and we seek then to possess God, possess Love and possess people. We need not possess Love to have Love. Having Love is all that is necessary to extend Love. Possessing Love is what gives the inclination to withhold it and we only withhold what we want to keep for ourselves. So we make rules and laws to guarantee that no one gets it unless we qualify them. If this were Love’s desire, there would be no BeLoved.
It’s not been Love’s desire but it has been the inclination of the many. And if we continue in this current trajectory of possessiveness, Love will be hidden and, we’ll all continue waiting for it. It seems from the looks of our current plight of frustration, anxiety, fear, anger and even depletion, there are yet quite a few of us laying in wait. We do expect and want Love to be limitless when it finds us; we just don’t really anticipate that limitless Love will process through us.
Who, among us would like to stand in the presence of anyone who desires to withhold Love from us? Love is the unconditioned response to the presence of Life to activate goodness. In other words – love always presents itself to all of what is good. And if things seem other than good, Love loves Anyway. It makes it Good.
You are God and you are Love. You may not be all of what Love is but all of what you are can be what Love is. You may not be all of what God is but all of what you are can be what God is. If I am only what God is, then I will be only what Love is. The only other option is that I embrace insanity and become beside myself and dis-appoint myself and lose my date with Love. So if you love only one, you will not love the many. If you love the many, you now know you can love all. If you love all ones, you will Love alone (all-one) and you will Love only and you will Love Anyway.