“Withhold not good from who it is due when it is in the power of your hand to do it.”
A wisdom charm and an ancient Hebrew proverb – I like looking at it. Meditating on it. It speaks to me; it makes me think - What makes something good? To who is it owed? Do I owe it!?! Do I have the power to deliver it? Why should I do anything for anybody? Makes me wonder why anybody does anything for anybody.
The one who knows him or herself to be powerful is fully invested in sharing their power. It is only those who believe themselves to be weak, who cultivate weakness or allow it to remain.
I was born into this world as a child who could do nothing for himself. Someone changed my diaper and dirtied their hands. I had done nothing to deserve such favor but they had the power to not leave me dirty. I became hungry. I did nothing to work for my bread and yet they fed me with their power to take away my pangs. Somewhere along the way, I decided I did not want to do what was done for me. I did not want to simply give my good away unless it was to someone who had delivered good to me first. In those moments I believed in my weakness. In those moments I lost my way. My first experience in this world taught me to give where goodness was needed and not necessarily where it was afforded.
I listen for those who cannot hear without me. I write the songs for those who cannot feel the music without me. I write the truth for those who could not identify the lie without me. I take away pain for those who can’t find their comfort without me never wanting to count man’s sins or weakness against them.
Those who have lost their way are overdue for direction. The person lost in grief is overdue for joy. The person lost in confusion is overdue for understanding. The person befuddled in conflict is overdue for peace. Those who are overwhelmed with despair are overdue for hope. Those who carry the burden of their fellow man are always due help to lighten the load.
Those who are lost simply need a Savior. The people we save are not always the people we owe but all of them are due it. There are those who cannot afford my help but what I cannot afford is to leave them without it. Love Anyway
From My Heart
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