…sometimes we can’t stop betrayal even when we love without condition and sometimes, just sometimes, we’re uninterested in knowing the shame that grips many of our friends. Sometimes their suspicions about us are correct. It’s the secret we have kept to ourselves. It’s the one that says, “I am likely to abandon you, if you disappoint me.”
I have very beautiful experiences living from moment to moment. I say “moment to moment” because I live that way – from moment to moment. I have upheld some moments as more beautiful and some as the most beautiful. I’m grateful for each of them. Maybe I should stay right here – You should know how beautiful life is and how beautiful life can be. You are also very beautiful and the most wonderful thing in your world. You are powerful beyond your imagination and nothing is impossible for you. Can you believe this? Can you now feel that feeling that encourages you to believe the BEST is rightfully yours? Believing these things empowers your person-self to go out and conquer the world and anything standing in your way. Can you see it?
You can conquer anything and anyone that stands in your way! This is your Divine right – the true depiction of your Authentic-Self.
You can conquer anything and anyone that stands in your way! This is your Divine right – the true depiction of your Authentic-Self.
We like statements like these. We like to be reminded of our goodness, our strength, and our power more than we like to know what’s actually true. Some of us believe that because we experience ourselves as wonderful, everyone else should. If they don’t, something has to be wrong with them. When this happens or it’s brought to our attention that we’re are not being seen in the way we see ourselves, terms like “true” and “truth” become relative. When the “truth” seems to threaten what any of us think of as “good for me”, then we’re cleverly directed to believe that there is really no truth unless it’s a personal truth. We hear things like, “my truth ain’t your truth and your truth ain’t my truth.” Those words have preempted the childhood song and melody – “my friends are YOUR friends and Your friends are MY friends. The more we get together…”
Now it’s, “the more we believe our OWN thoughts, the happier we’ll be.”
Happiness, though, is not about believing your own thoughts as much as it involves being honest about them when you’re actually awake enough to really see them. Often our thoughts are spot on and are good for one and for all but what happens when they’re not? Should we keep on believing things because they are ours?
Language is beautiful and seductive, and just because it’s sounds good, doesn’t make it true. And even if it is true, it doesn’t mean you believe it. (It may not sound good to you.) Even if you believe it, it doesn’t mean you know it, and just because it’s known, doesn’t make it understood. And just because it’s understood doesn’t make it practiced. Practicing truth takes more than seeing eyes and listening ears. It takes courage, faith, humility and a genuine choice to Love. And Loving this way takes a sincere and relentless practice of personal honesty. (to be distinguished from “my” personal truth.) Personal honesty asks that I look not only at how I experience myself but how the “myself” experience really affects the world and the people I touch.
I remember listening to a motivational speaker who encouraged her audience to imagine being wealthy and what that would feel like. She gave them a very simple instruction. “If you want to be wealthy you should hang around people who are wealthy and even wealthier than you.” The crowd was feeling this. She went on to tell them that if they were the most successful person in their crowd they should look for a crowd that could pull them up because their current clique would likely pull them away from what they truly wanted. The crowd went up in a roar after hearing this.
Happiness, though, is not about believing your own thoughts as much as it involves being honest about them when you’re actually awake enough to really see them. Often our thoughts are spot on and are good for one and for all but what happens when they’re not? Should we keep on believing things because they are ours?
Language is beautiful and seductive, and just because it’s sounds good, doesn’t make it true. And even if it is true, it doesn’t mean you believe it. (It may not sound good to you.) Even if you believe it, it doesn’t mean you know it, and just because it’s known, doesn’t make it understood. And just because it’s understood doesn’t make it practiced. Practicing truth takes more than seeing eyes and listening ears. It takes courage, faith, humility and a genuine choice to Love. And Loving this way takes a sincere and relentless practice of personal honesty. (to be distinguished from “my” personal truth.) Personal honesty asks that I look not only at how I experience myself but how the “myself” experience really affects the world and the people I touch.
I remember listening to a motivational speaker who encouraged her audience to imagine being wealthy and what that would feel like. She gave them a very simple instruction. “If you want to be wealthy you should hang around people who are wealthy and even wealthier than you.” The crowd was feeling this. She went on to tell them that if they were the most successful person in their crowd they should look for a crowd that could pull them up because their current clique would likely pull them away from what they truly wanted. The crowd went up in a roar after hearing this.
Can you imagine the encouragement this audience felt knowing the only thing they had to do to get better was to distance themselves from the people who were beneath them? The seduction of the statement wasn’t that there were people actually beneath them but that they could rise higher than they were. Sounds like good advice though doesn’t it?
Consider this...
What happens when the person that’s wealthier than you follows the same advice and keeps YOU out?
It sounds good but it really doesn’t work for anything but a good fix and unconscious movement toward further discrimination, war and dysfunction – the very things that a life of Love and true awareness are designed to render impotent.
Imagine someone – anyone – telling you that they have conquered everything standing in their way. This person could be your sister, your spouse, your father, your boss, or your best friend. You naturally want to celebrate with them. You go out and have a party and dance the victory dance. Life is beautiful and you rule the world. Later on as you both become high on life and drunk in your victory and the inhibitions become the free flowing celebration of uninhibited, raw naked boasting and you find out that not only have they conquered everything standing in their way they’ve also conquered “everyone” standing in their way -including YOU. You’ve been conquered too! You didn’t know that though, did you? Did you know you were the enemy of their personal truth, their personal path to freedom, their personal success story?
This is what betrayal looks like but betrayal is still an illusion.
I want you happy – for real. Bliss is my earnest desire for your life.
Truthfully, neither I, nor anyone else is responsible for your happiness. You’re not responsible for mine or ours either but we do participate in our joint experiences. We supply everyone in our lives with successive and sequential opportunities to consider whether we are really living our lives in ways that genuinely consider their presence in it.
We live in this age with so much talk of Self, YOU, Divinity, Authenticity, Transparency, Translucence, Source. It is perhaps more prominent than it’s ever been. It’s attractive, alluring and some of it is seducing us to avoid community while we think we are building safe ones. Waking to Self might be the most important thing any of us will ever do yet the movement toward "Self" should be synonymous with the movement toward "Source". That One who truly finds Self is progressively less interested in withholding and progressively more interested in extending. This is one way the Source-Self is distinguished from the false-self. It's not in the words or the platitudes we offer; It’s in the Love we are and choose to be.
Your capacity to love is limitless and when you are challenged to not believe this, Love Anyway.
Loving Anyway is the act of Genius. It is the evidence of Authenticity and Mindfulness. It is the function of Brilliance. It is Who You Truly Are & if you ever want to know if you have truly discovered YOU...Love Anyway…
(This is an excerpt from my upcoming book on Love and Relationships. Stay tuned as I follow up with the question:
So how do we know when it’s time to step away or abandon a relationship? When is love not enough? When is it clear that there is no possible shred of hope to procure better ways of relating and being with partners, friends and lovers?)
Consider this...
What happens when the person that’s wealthier than you follows the same advice and keeps YOU out?
It sounds good but it really doesn’t work for anything but a good fix and unconscious movement toward further discrimination, war and dysfunction – the very things that a life of Love and true awareness are designed to render impotent.
Imagine someone – anyone – telling you that they have conquered everything standing in their way. This person could be your sister, your spouse, your father, your boss, or your best friend. You naturally want to celebrate with them. You go out and have a party and dance the victory dance. Life is beautiful and you rule the world. Later on as you both become high on life and drunk in your victory and the inhibitions become the free flowing celebration of uninhibited, raw naked boasting and you find out that not only have they conquered everything standing in their way they’ve also conquered “everyone” standing in their way -including YOU. You’ve been conquered too! You didn’t know that though, did you? Did you know you were the enemy of their personal truth, their personal path to freedom, their personal success story?
This is what betrayal looks like but betrayal is still an illusion.
I want you happy – for real. Bliss is my earnest desire for your life.
Truthfully, neither I, nor anyone else is responsible for your happiness. You’re not responsible for mine or ours either but we do participate in our joint experiences. We supply everyone in our lives with successive and sequential opportunities to consider whether we are really living our lives in ways that genuinely consider their presence in it.
We live in this age with so much talk of Self, YOU, Divinity, Authenticity, Transparency, Translucence, Source. It is perhaps more prominent than it’s ever been. It’s attractive, alluring and some of it is seducing us to avoid community while we think we are building safe ones. Waking to Self might be the most important thing any of us will ever do yet the movement toward "Self" should be synonymous with the movement toward "Source". That One who truly finds Self is progressively less interested in withholding and progressively more interested in extending. This is one way the Source-Self is distinguished from the false-self. It's not in the words or the platitudes we offer; It’s in the Love we are and choose to be.
Your capacity to love is limitless and when you are challenged to not believe this, Love Anyway.
Loving Anyway is the act of Genius. It is the evidence of Authenticity and Mindfulness. It is the function of Brilliance. It is Who You Truly Are & if you ever want to know if you have truly discovered YOU...Love Anyway…
(This is an excerpt from my upcoming book on Love and Relationships. Stay tuned as I follow up with the question:
So how do we know when it’s time to step away or abandon a relationship? When is love not enough? When is it clear that there is no possible shred of hope to procure better ways of relating and being with partners, friends and lovers?)